Maths Hub
London North East Maths Hub is led by Elmhurst Primary and serves the borough of Hackney.
The aim of the Hub is to ensure that all pupils, teachers and leaders have access to support, training and innovation that improves the enjoyment and achievement of mathematics, from early years through to post-16 provision.
The Hub works with successful established mathematics communities across the North East London region, as well as national partners and mathematics associations.
To find out more, please click here.

English Hub
The English Hub that serves Hackney is led by New Wave English Hub.
The Hub offers a collaborative, supportive approach that empowers teachers and schools to improve their provisions of phonics and early language development to ensure that all pupils get the outcomes they deserve.
New Wave Teaching School English Hub works with Hubs in the south of England to support eligible schools to assess their phonics provision and select and purchase accredited SSP programmes.
To find out more, please click here.
Music Hub:
A Music Education Hub is a partnership, led by a Hub Lead Organisation, that is responsible for supporting, delivering and enabling access to music education activity for children and young people within a local area. Hackney: https://www.hackneymusic.co.uk