The DfE Registration Portal is now open. Apply early to secure a scholarship place.
Steps to follow:
Register through the DfE Portal here. This requires the following information:
- Teacher Registration Number (TRN)
- Name as recorded by the Teacher Regulation Agency (TRA)
- Choice of NPQ
- Choice of Lead Provider i.e. UCL IOE
Once registration is complete the DFE will send the details to UCL IOE.
You will be sent an application from the lead provider (UCL) once your details have been sent through from the DfE registration.
- You need to identify your local delivery partner. Select East London Teaching School Hub.
- The form requires headteacher/principal’s and line manager details.
- This needs to be returned within 5 days of receipt.
UCL will confirm whether you have received a place on the course – this can take a month.
UCL will then send your details on to us and we will contact you with session timings and dates prior to the start of the programme.
Each NPQ programme currently has an October Cohort and a April Cohort.